Welcome to Maxwell En-Route – Where we explore and discuss various topics of interests with experts and thought leaders in the alternative dispute resolution community.
All episodes on Season 1 “Technology and AI” and Season 2 “Art of Negotiation” available on YouTube and Spotify.
Season 2: Art of Negotiation
Our second season of En-Route ventures into the multifaceted world of negotiation, exploring its significance, techniques, and sustainable approaches. We’ll explore why negotiation skills are indispensable for lawyers and businesses , helping them secure deals, resolve conflicts and build lasting partnerships. Join us as for a journey into the art of negotiation.
- New Podcast Episode
- Episode 4: En-Route with Natalie Morris-Sharma
We conclude Season 2 of the Art of Negotiation podcast with Natalie Morris-Sharma, senior director at Singapore’s Attorney-General’s Chambers. In this episode, Natalie explores the complexities of multilateral negotiations, sharing key strategies and insights for effectively navigating the delicate balance of high-stakes diplomatic discussions.
- Episode 3: En-Route with Ye-Min Wu
In the third episode, we explore the world of diplomacy through the lens of Ye-Min Wu, regional director for South and Southeast Asia, at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue. Bringing over 15 years of diplomatic experience, she uncovers the art of negotiation in the realm of diplomacy.
- Episode 2: En-Route with George Lim
In the second episode, we sit down with George Lim SC, Chairman of the Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) to discuss negotiation in mediation. Whether you’re an experienced mediator or just starting out, this episode will provide you with valuable techniques and soft skills to achieve success in your next mediation. Discover how to transform your approach and mindset towards mediation!
- Episode 1: En-Route with Dr Claudia Winkler
In the first episode of our second season, we welcome Dr Claudia Winkler, founder and CEO of Negotiation Academy LLC. Together with our host, Jiun Ean Ban from Maxwell Chambers, they shed light on the importance of a good negotiator, both from a business and a legal perspective.
Ep 2: George Lim
Ep 4: Natalie Morris-Sharma
SeASON 1: Technology and AI
Technology innovation has transformed our lives in so many ways. New AI-driven tech, exemplified by the likes of ChatGPT, has sparked intense discussions and raised crucial questions about the far-reaching effects of AI on our society. Are we equipped with the necessary tools to navigate a dynamically evolving world?
The aim of our debut series is to provide insights that enable a deeper understanding of technology, with a particular focus on how emerging innovations can bring value and redefine the landscape of our work and roles. Join us as we explore the transformative possibilities that technology holds and uncover ways to navigate this ever-changing technological frontier.
Ep 2: David Teece
Ep 4: Denise Wong
- New Podcast Episode
- Episode 4: En-Route with Denise Wong
We close Season 1 with Denise Wong, Assistant Chief Executive Officer from the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Singapore. Denise discusses the transformative potential of AI for the public good, Singapore’s initiatives on AI governance and more.
Access the proposed Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI here.
Listen on: Spotify
Watch on: Youtube
- Episode 3: En-Route with Simon Chesterman
In the third episode, we welcome Professor Simon Chesterman, Vice Provost (Educational Innovation) and David Marshall Professor at the National University of Singapore. Simon discusses the impact AI has on the transformation of job roles within the workplace and offers insights into a future where humans and machines seamlessly co-exist.
Listen on: Spotify
Watch on: Youtube
- Episode 2: En-Route with David Teece
- Episode 1: En-Route with Anu Ambikaipalan
In our first episode, we go en-route with Anu Ambikaipalan, Associate General Counsel APAC of Uber. Together with our host Jiun Ean Ban, Chief Executive of Maxwell Chambers, they will explore the intersections of technology, regulations and the effects of automation on society.
Listen on Spotify
Watch on Youtube