Maxwell Lectures
Launched in 2014, Maxwell Lectures brings to the arbitration community opportunities to hear from and interact with leading arbitrators, practitioners and academics from around the world.
Maxwell Lectures: Impartiality and the Construction of Trust in Investor State Dispute Settlement
Maxwell Lectures Webinar: Awards and Rewards: Back to the Future?
Maxwell Lectures Webinar: Perpetual motion: the rewarding life of a career at the Bar
Maxwell Lectures Webinar: Musings of a Mediation Practitioner
Maxwell Lectures Webinar: Res judicata and the ‘could have been‘ claims
Maxwell Lectures Webinar: Harmonising Judicial Approaches to Choice of Law in Arbitration Agreement
Maxwell Lectures Webinar: Understanding Domain Name Arbitration in Asia
Maxwell Lectures Webinar: Lex Constructionis – or My Country’s Rules?
Here are the speakers who have spoken at Maxwell Lectures from 2014 – 2019.
- Ms Lucy Reed – After ICCA Singapore, After ICCA Miami: The Next Questions
- Ms Penelope Nevill – The Interface between Public International Law and Commercial Practice: Current Issues
- Ms Sara Masters QC, Mr Michael Collett QC – Keeping the Train on the Track: How to make sure that your arbitration does not fail
- Sir David A.R. Williams – Notable Recent Developments with respect to the “Soft Law” of International Arbitration: IBA Guidelines on Party Representation
- Ms Meg Kinnear – Current Issues and Trends in Investment Arbitration
- Prof Bernard Hanotiau – Who are the parties to the arbitration? An Asian perspective
- Mr Andrew Moran QC – An arbitrator’s approach to resolving conflicts of evidence and the reasoning required to sustain the award
- Mr Benjamin Hughes – So, you want to be an arbitrator?
- Mr Alexis Mourre – An Evening Dialogue with the President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration
- Mr Denys Hickey – Recent and Likely Future Developments in International Arbitration
- Mr Rodney Dixon QC – The Permanent Court of Arbitration & Asia: Two Intra-Asian Investment & Maritime Arbitration Disputes
- Mr Chan Leng Sun SC – Justiciability and the Act of State Doctrine
- Mr Paul Randolph – The Practical Application of Psychology to Conflict Resolution
- Mr Mark Kelly – Mediating Post-Disaster Insurance Dispute
- Prof Benjamin Hughes – International Arbitration: The Rube Goldberg Dispute Resolution Machine?
- Prof Steve Ngo – Why You are Not Yet an Arbitrator: Revisiting Dezalay & Garth After Two Decades
- Prof Steve Ngo, Ms Shae Teo, Mr Aloysius Wee – Industrial Revolution – Impact of Technology on Dispute Resolution and Lawyering
- Sir Jeremy Cooke – Damages for Deliberate Breach of Tortious Duty
- Dr Ann Tan, Ms Halijah Mohamad, Ms Jolene Tan – Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) 101